Wednesday, June 14, 2006

"After 15 years, you say thank you"

Hollywood is at it again... and again... and again...


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I heard a little about this and here is what I heard

the current landowner lost the same piece of land some 20 odd years ago due to eminent domain. In return, he got $3,000,000.00. The city wanted to build a garbage refinery, or something like that, but the residents in the neighboring area refused to let them build it. The city then turned it over to some other "community thing" where people were able to build gardens. Then the city sold the property back to the original owner for a million dollars more than the original cost. Now he wants to build Werehouses and stuff, but Daryl Hannh wont leave. The owner is willing to sell it back to the city, but for 3 x's more than he paid for it because the land is worth more.

Now I heard that most of the "squatters" gardeners are immigrants. I guess immigrants also have the right to take private property. Daryl Hannah needs a hobby.