Friday, June 30, 2006

I Can't Take Much More!

"The ideal hasn't changed. I think when people say 'American way,' they're actually talking about what the 'American way' meant back in the '40s and '50s, which was something more noble and idealistic."

I don't care how good their screenplays are, these two yahoos can suck it. I do not want to see this movie anymore.

Let me expand here. If they had a problem with "the American way,' then they should have left the line out completely. To include this distorted version of it is an obvious attack on what they perceive America to be today. I have no doubt in my mind that if there were a Liberal president in office, the line would have remained unchanged. If they truly believe that Superman is supposed to be a hero for everybody, why are they intentionally using their movie as a platform to wage battle against those of us who are still proud to be Americans?


BVM said...

Superman sucks. I mean, obviously, he's gay.

Unknown said...

Maximum Colossus said...

Those guys must read my posts. I'm flattered.

Maximum Colossus said...

By the way, I want my kudos! I posted on this freakin' line almost two full months ago. I know all these bastards are riding my story!

Unknown said...

I have to admit, you were the first person I read who commented on that.

Arvin Leroux said...

Any insight into nationalism/current events from the other recent remake of "The Omen"?

Unknown said...

Maybe there would be if the kid from the Omen, Damien, was an American Icon. Sadly, he is not.

A better comparison would be if the next James Bond was no longer apart of "Her Majesties Secret Service." I think many people would take notice. Much like they are with Superman.

Point taken though. Superman is just a movie and maybe we shouldn't make too much of it. Yet, if this sort of thing didn't happen so frequently, I probably wouldn't make much of it.

There you go Lord Kingly, that last bit was my attempt to seem more understanding to both sides of the story. Now back to the real Blogust. "DEATH TO ALL COMMIES!"

Arvin Leroux said...

I wasn't trying to compare the main characters of each film. In "The Omen" there are clear references to current events including 9/11. As you know, Damian is spawn of Satan. The film draws parallels between things like the devastation by the tsunami in Asia and Satan's attempted rule of Humanity on Earth through Damian.

I'm truly interested, if you've seen the film, what sort of connections did you find, if any?

Unknown said...

Dude I am sorry Arvin. Jumped the gun on that one.
I Didn't see Omen. I wanted to on 6-6-06, but no one wanted to go and I couldn't bring myself to go alone. Not just cuz I am chicken shit either. I thought it would have been weird going to the Omen by myself on satan's birthday. Maybe that's just me.

Arvin Leroux said...

Don't worry, tone is difficult to communicate like this.

I think it would be a great analysis to examine films of all genres before and after 9/11 to see what, if any, changes in patriotism or American propaganda took place.

Unknown said...

I don't know. The most obvious is Fahrenheit 9/11, but that one wasn't subtle like superman was. Team America maybe? tv's 24.

For me, MSM has always been spitting propaganda I just never noticed it until after 9/11. And yes, I do believe that the MSM is grossly biased towards liberal causes. Maybe FOX can be considered conservative, but compared to CNN MSNBC ABC CBS and NBC, well, FOX is an island in a sea of blue. It is no wonder FOX has the highest ratings for cable news. No one to compete with.