Thursday, June 22, 2006

No, really, its NOT about politics

OK, I tried to get some global warming knowledge out of Al Gore. I actually gave him a chance. But now that I have, I can't believe I spent time doing so. I now firmly believe Gore is using this latest crusade for political gain. Period. If this was truly about global warming, the answers to these softball sized, slow pitch questions would have been good to read, but they just repeat the same ol' Liberal spew:

- Corporations are to blame for everything bad.
" a lot of politicians are addicted to money from the oil companies "

- Corporations are environmentally dead institutions dead set on killing the earth at the expense of their own raw materials and the earth.
" We're operating planet Earth as if it's a business in liquidation. Because we're liquidating the ecological system. "

- Government must come in and change society for good.

"redesigning and rearchitecting the patterns of our cities and communities and lifestyles--it seems impossible now. But it will also be enervating. It will lead to benefits that we don't yet see so clearly. And in the process, we will also, again, gain moral authority. . . ."

- Economists (and Capitalism in general) is/are flawed. Even at its basic accounting procedures.
" The way we define profits is itself deeply flawed. "

- Typical "Run for your lives, the sky is falling" tactics.

" Alaska's just melting. "

- Feel sorry for poor, 3rd world countries. -OR- Rich white men are basically Satan.
" So if you're a Third World country, and you have a million acres of rain forest, rich in biodiversity, and you decide to cut down every last tree and bush in one year, on your accounting system, that will come up as a huge positive. Congratulations. "

- Bush is bad.

" although he did recently compare George W. Bush to the scheming, homicidal president on 24 "

Gore-bal hot air is real.


Unknown said...

Unfortunately, the global warming argument is fool proof. It is an invisible monster. At least with smog and water pollution you could point to it and say "Yes! That is BAD! we need to change", but global warming... can't do the same thing with that. I hear tons of stuff all the time about global warming with regards to people's influence. Most agree the Earth is warmwer, but I have also heard that Mars is warmer. No SUV's there. Who knows...

I for sure know I wont listen to Gore.

BVM said...

That's all I'm trying to state. I'm not debating global warming. I honestly wanted to see his points on the matter and got nothing but the same spew.

So, in my view, he's just found a new vehicle or platform by which to carry the same ol' crap on top of. He'll ride the global warming spin as long as he can use that as a launching point for his flawed ideals.

And as you point out, its great when the platform is nothing specific. Its all a guessing game at this point, but hell, it makes a great topic for an "end of the world" movie.

BVM said...

I wanted to wait to post this point but heck, I'll do it now.

Gore talks about all this stuff happening by 2100 due to the buring of fossil fuels. Weren't we supposed to run out of fossil fuels some time around 2030 or something?

How then would the continual buring of something we've run out of for 70 years still contribute to global warming in 2100?

Or was the other philosophy of draining our oil in the next few years flawed also?

Unknown said...

I am gathering that you saw Gore's movie.

Maximum Colossus said...

Wow, you guys sure do a lot of internet bitching about the guy who actually invrented said venue. Seriously, though, you guys really seem to take what this guy says personally.

Unknown said...

Have you been paying attention to your own posts the last few months Lord Kingly? That is what this site has been all about. Why act surprised now?

BVM said...

I, personally, bring this up a lot because I think its very important that we don't have multi-billion dollar decisions made, and much of public opinion swayed, by this movie and the global warming hype.

This is much in the same vein as how I react to anything Michael Moore says or does.

Maybe there is some truth in the chosen delivery vehicle or topic, but emotions tend to drive a lot of us, and fear is a big one to prey on.

All sides of politics do it. My reactions tend to come from where I live too. Hanging out in Berkeley just heightens my exposure to emotional-hype-politics.

With regards to being environmentally conscious, I think we must all consider these factors. But I don't agree with all the other crap that Gore has wrapped around his crusade. He gets people freaked out about this amorphous warming trend, and while you're scared about that he brings in Liberal ideals to ride the wave.

And no, I have not seen the movie. I'm not going to pay $10 to listen to Gore for 2 hours when I can just take the time and read his message for free on the internet. I've read and heard enough about the movie.

Maximum Colossus said...

I completely understand what you're saying, and why this upsets you. I also don't like the fact that Gore tries to slide in a political message while relaying a message on a subject that should be, for all intents and purposes, apolitical.

As far as the scare tactics, you may be right in the fact that global warming is more hype than anything else, but if it's not hype, then it's pretty scary. Not for us, I don't think. I doubt very much this is all happening as rapidly as they say, but ultimately it could be a very big problem. Who am I kidding? I don't even like kids.

Maximum Colossus said...

Oh, and shut up Blogust.

Unknown said...

I say we Terraform Mars. Afterwards, we send Gore and his Ilk to make it breathable for the rest of us. You know, like putting gold fish into a fish tank before putting in the fish you really want. He is such a gas bag, it shouldn't take too long.
God I am so funny. "I'll be here all week folks."