Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Witches of East Brunswick

In Ann Coulter's new book Godless (and yes I bought a copy. What are you going to do about it?) Ann roasts "The Jersey Girls", a group of widows who lost their husbands in the 9/11 attacks. Now I haven't gotten that far into the book, so I don't really know the context, but I think her point is that their are some people who use personal trajedy as a way to further their own beliefs i.e. Curly Joe Sheehan. One of the Jersey Girls fought back and this is what she said.
"This (Coulter's criticism) is as idiotic as Congress debating gay rights," said Kristen Breitweiser,
whose husband Ron died in the World Trade Center.
Isn't that funny? I mean the lady just proved her point. Personally, I have decided that it would be wrong to write "discrimination" into the constitution. So, I do not support the Marriage Amendment. Nonetheless, their are plenty of people who do and to make a statement like that, well it is obvious she is taking this opportunity to be political.

1 comment:

BVM said...

Hey, there's no such thing as bad publicity. I've seen Ann Coulter on more TV shows in the past week than she's probably been on in the last couple years.