Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Your Girlfriend Is A Nut

This is precisely why I couldn't finish Coulter's book. She may be right on about a few things here and there, but even a blind squirrel finds a nut from time to time. The truth is, though, that I am likely to side with her on a number of issues merely because I lean to the right. But this is beyond right. This crazy bitch is so far to the right she can slap the left on the back of the head when they're not looking. She is just a straight up screaming banshee psychopath. And this is not the only issue in her book where she omitted some key information,took quotes out of context, or took the word of people with an agenda that was obviously the same as hers. This woman has very little credibility as far as I'm concerned. Of course, I feel the same way about people like Cindy Sheehan,Al Franken and Michael Moore.


Unknown said...

I think this guy is overstating it a little. The point of the two chapters isn't to disprove evolution, but to argue that if one doesn't support evolution fully, then they are demonized. She felt that intelligent design was demonized. So she tried to apply the same standards by demonizing evoultion.

Also, I majored in Anthropology in college and I can tell you that those evolution scientists often times didn't agree with one another and I think it is funny that this author accuses Coulter of distorting facts. One can make the same argument for a whole slew of these scientists who did the same thing.

Look, I believe that evoulution is the answer, but I also believe that activist judges get in the way of voters. If states vote that intelligent design is allowed to be taught in schools, I say fuck it and let them.

CJ said...

I won't really address the distorting the facts thing because that is how debate is accomplished since 2002, or the beginning of time. But, Coulter is blatantly distorting the facts, there can be no denial of that.

Intelligent design does not belong in schools. The rule states Separation of Church and State. Publicly funded schools should not be teaching anything religiously derived as intelligent design is.

Just because there is a 'gap' in the development of evolution, the logical conclusion becomes "a higher power" must have done it? Don't force that on the kids with my tax dollars...

Maximum Colossus said...

Bullshit. Bullshit is all I can say. Children are allowed to learn all they want about "Intelligent Design" in Sunday school.

Unknown said...

Where in the constiution does it say seperation of church and state?

Maximum Colossus said...

Cj, never bring up seperation of church and state. That's their biggest argument. I would stick with the whole idea of anyone who wants their kid to learn something so unsubstantiated as ID should probably find a private outlet for them. Private school, Sunday school or whatever.

Unknown said...

How about this then. Aliens made people. Would that be OK?

Unknown said...

By the way, I love how you said that is "their" argument. You have officially lumped me Lord Kingly.

BVM said...

What the hell, I'll post. Anyone is going to have argument points you don't agree with.

I have not read Godless. The whole evolution argument has never been interesting to me anyway, so I would not be as put off by this stuff as you. I've actually attended young earth seminars in an attempt to get an understanding of what some Christians believe.

From what Blogust has told me, he appreciated hearing some of the non-evolutionist theories, since this stuff is automatically considered bunk by "science". It was kind of refreshing to hear some other points of view besides the standard evolutionary theory, no matter how far fetched they may appear.

To me, I really believe that the more science figures out, the more Biblical doctrine is proved. I have a lot of reasons, many more than this post has space to write about.

Also, its always been hard for me to put too much belief in science. Science is just a measure of what we know so far, its never the complete truth, hence the word: theory. "Theory" of relativity. "Theory" of evolution. These theories do stand up to many tests, but they can not be fully proved. I mean, they obviously stand up to tests. Based on the theory of relativity we power nuclear power plants and make really powerfull bombs.

Because they are theories, theories can be open to all kinds of attacks. Of course, in the end its up to each of us determine to what extent we believe the theories.

Arvin Leroux said...

Religion or Science, both require some amount of faith.

CJ said...

How is 'aliens' doing it any different than 'god'? Evolution isn't perfect but it's the least 'faith' based, which loosly translated it is based on the most factual information available.

Despite what some think, the Constitution of our country is not perfect. It is up to intelligent people (used very loosly as of late) to determine how to amend it properly so that it can evolve along with the social evolution of our people.

Religion and government do not mix. We should not encourage them to do so...

Maximum Colossus said...

Here's the only other "refreshing" point of view I care about.

And here's something for y'all to jerk off to for a while.

Bitch is straight up retarded.

Maximum Colossus said...

I also have to say that it is completely unrealistic to say that politics and religion don't mix. There are far more people on this planet and in this country that are believers in something. The Dems are more religious than they would have anyone believe, they just try to syphon votes from the non-Christian community as they quietly cater to their Christian followers as well. Keep in mind that government's ultimate job is to protect it citizenry through upkeep of right and wrong. Most right and wrong is based in religious theology.

Unknown said...

Yes I agree that religion and the state don't mix, to a certain degree, but a society that removes religion altogether i.e. North Korea, USSR, Nazis, well that is bad news. This country is faith based and it always will be. For me, that is a good thing.

Maximum Colossus said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

You cocked blocked me and my computer froze.

Unknown said...

Now you deleted your comment. Man this getting confusing.

Maximum Colossus said...

You're a dork.