Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Where are the black golfers?

was the title of the link to this yahoo sports article. The writer of the article just scratches his head over the fact that Tiger Woods still remains the only African American golfer, after 10 years of being in the league, to be a Masters tour champion.
And why is this so? Well according to the author: Money.

I pretty much just glanced over the report after I read that. Once again MSM speaking of the haves and have nots and the disadvantages of being black. In fact, an article that is so black specific that if I were any other color other than white, I would allow myself to be outraged. But I am not allowed to be outraged so I will just shake my head and say "typical."
Was it Tiger's talent, or his family, or his hard work, or his God given black athleticism that made him special? ( I just couldn't resist that one ) Or was it privilege?


BVM said...

Hmm. So did you read the rest of the article? I did not read it as a have vs. have not thing at all. It seems the article goes out of its way to say its actually focus, not money. Weird that they threw that Money comment in.

Golf is very cheap. Hell, Kai and Eric golf, how expensive can it be? Public courses are not expensive at all, and twilight rates are super cheap. The article says things like this:

"I wouldn't put the blame on the Fortune 500 companies or the major manufacturers. The blame goes to the African-American community. There's enough wealth to support these players. We just don't think it's a priority."

I agree. I think its more in that culture to play other sports besides golf. I don't see it as a money issue.

Anonymous said...

Yes I did read the fortune 500 bit. Just because Barrow says he doesn't think money is a factor doesn't mean the article totally dismisses it. The article seemed to go out of its way to try and figure out why African Americans still don't play golf. What does it matter? Tiger Woods is an individual and he rules the sport of golf. Who cares if he is the only African American? Who cares if its beacuse of priorities or $10 a game or caddie system or whatever? Just asking the question "Where are the Black Golfers?" is BS right from the start. Just by asking a question like that is suspect.