Thursday, August 09, 2007

Carbon Bullshit

Or, umm, I guess that should be Methane Bullshit?

Anyway, here's some proof of what happens when Environmentalists start coming up with ideas: an utter mess.

Carbon offsets are the shell game of our time. A scam. An attempt to control free markets. A push for bigger Government. Facism.

Feeling guilty? Just pay money. Then some organization will take that money and "invest" it in businesses or "non-profits" that claim to be green. How did that organization get the Green label? How can you trust where the money goes once you pay it? Why don't you just invest your money in the free market yourself so that you actually see a monetary return on your investment?

Al Gore starts an investment company that invests in "green" corporations and then tours the world telling everyone that we need to make Governments put guns to peoples heads and make them pay into his new investment corporation. Neat, huh? But its OK, you are saving the planet.

Here's an interesting tidbit I figured out all on my own by reading that article. It talks about Britt Bravo who paid $10 to TerrPass to offset her 2,500 pounds of carbon she would emit during her travel across the US.

$10 for 2,500 pounds eh? Wow, what a bargain. Now she can sleep at night. Good for her and this TerraPass nonsense.

OK, remember Big Al's announcement at the Academy Awards? They were now carbon neutral? Wow, they were so big hearted that they purchased enough carbon offsets to counter 250,000 pounds of carbon! Such amazing and big hearted people!

Recall that $10 is good for 2,500 pounds of carbon. Based on that number the Academy gave a whopping total of $1000 to offset their 250,000 pound carbon footprint.

$1000??? They actually think that a $1000 donation is news worth broadcasting to the world? Well kids, it is if you are Al Gore and you have an investment company and the entire world is watching...

Take your carbon offsets and shove them up your methane hole.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's a perfect scam. Keep the costs low so that people are willing to give a little for the "environment".