Monday, August 20, 2007

Viva La French Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner

The guy I stole this article from, Matt Sanchez, titles the piece "What a difference an Election Makes." Prepare yourself though, it was written by TIME magazine and its stench is laced thoughout the entire piece.

Sanchez also translates one of Kouchner's recent comments.

"Si nous avions continué à être à leur côté, nous aurions pu éviter la guerre", avait-il déclaré."

"If we stayed by their (American) side, we could have avoided this war." Bernard Kouchner

I don't know the entire meaning of this statement, because I don't speak french and the quote was ripped from this article, but if it means what I think it means, then awesome.

UPDATE: More on France and their leadership. I bet you Sarkozy would give anything to swap the Socialist party in France for American Democrats.

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