Monday, July 07, 2008

Last Stand?

For those who haven't been following, Mosul is about to fall out of the hands of AQI. By all accounts, operation Lion's Roar has been a whopper of a victory for U.S. and Iraqi forces.

Over at Hotair they have this quote.

"The American commander in the region, Gen. Mark Hertling, calls it “the irreversible point”".

But don't expect the MSM to give you any info on this stunning victory.

Last but not least, here is the best news of them all.

Only one U.S. death in Iraq so far this month and it was non-combat related.


BVM said...

They are purposely hush hush because this is one of McCain's selling points. If no one is educated about what's going on over there, then it will be easy for Barack Goodfellow Obama to lie about the good things happening there.

Unknown said...

That and their whole belief system comes crumbling down.

Before we went to Afghanistan, we were told that we would lose thousands of soldiers. We were told that since the "powerful" Russian military wasn't able to pacify the country and lost over 10,000 men in ten years, then the coalition would suffer the same fate. Though there is still fighting, Afgahanistan fell in days and the body count has been 1/10 their prediction.

And now Iraq. Same thing.
1)We were told that Iraq couldn't become a democracy and needed a dictator to keep the country stable and yet they have held three successful elections.
2)That tribal lines were too divided from years of fighting and yet they are now working together with a Shia majority PM targeting the Shia miltia, The Madi Army.
3)And that Iraq would be like a vietnam like quagmire with high U.S. casualties and though 4500 coalition forces is a lot of lives lost, it is again 1/10 of what was lost in Vietnam and the country is now signing contracts with big companies, bringing in revenue and the Iraqi congress has covered 3/4 of their benchmarks.

War has never solved anything is their motto. Except of course Slavery, Nazism, Fascism, Imperialism and hopefully the Islamofascist middle east hell zone.