Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Which Side Is Really The Crazy One Over The Whole Abortion Issue

I don't normally comment on this blog about abortion. It is a hot button issue that has been argued to death and so I try to keep my solutions and opinions firmly locked in my head, that is, unless we talk about it one on one.

But it is clearly an issue that to many people, both Republicans and Democrats, is solely responsible for their choice of candidate. So they have battles about it back and forth.... back and forth... back and forth...

Now it appears that Democrat, Carol Fowler, has gone one step further and turned this argument into a weapon. And you can probably guess who she used it against.
Alright, alright, don't guess. I'll just tell you. It was used against Sarah Palin. I know, what a shocker.

Here is what she said.
“Palin’s primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.”

Oh man, they are scared. Oh man, oh man, oh man, they are scared. When that is the best that chairwoman can think of then you know they don't have anything on her yet and they are reaching.

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