Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I Am A Jew Lover

Kofi Annan made some remark about how Israel Targeted the U.N. Peacekeepers on purpose.

This should clear that up

and this


Anonymous said...

And then this. This guy "Anti-Mullah" has this to say about the video. A more blatant UN comfort and aid to the enemies of Israel shows in the video below of UN Ambulances being used by Palestinian ARMED fighters to move themselves and weapons around in Gaza.
Ambulances have traditionaly been used for this purpose by Palestinians, Hamas and Hezbollah and the one destroyed by Israel in Lebanon recently - for which Kofi Annan complained bitterly - was probably carrying or thought to be carrying armed Hezbollah fighters.

BVM said...

Here, this is easier.

Learn your HTML

Maximum Colossus said...

What's an H-T-M-L?