Thursday, July 27, 2006

This Is a Good One.

I read this yesterday in Newsweek, and I thought I would pass it along. It's pretty typical, but the last paragraph makes me feel stupid, since I guess I'm the only one who did not see this oh so obvious outcome the author details. Also, I'm a little confused. How much better off might Iraq be, if it is somewhat better off as she claims it could end up being? Cause as sad as I am that American soldiers have died and are dying, if it helps to curb 100s of thousands of death and offer something of a better lifestyle to 100s of thousands more in Iraq, then I don't know for sure if you can say the sacrifice isn't worth it. But, then, I am retarded apparently.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you got through this article to begin with. I barely managed it myself. Talk about spin.

Facts about the Army.
1. The Army exceeded recruitment levels in May and June
2. Retention is high.
3. According to one report I heard, only 15% of applicants who have misdemeanors involving drugs or alcohol are accepted into the Army. Iknow, I know I was shocked too when I heard that. I hope someone can confirm this. Maybe other branches are a little more relaxed, but since the Army is losing the bulk of American lives, I thought it best to represent them.

Once again another MSM article that speaks so poorly of our military and our soldiers. It makes me fucking sick. I say Fuckity Fuck Fuck Fuck her. God I hope she gets hate mail. Of course she seems to have such a low opinion about our military, it probably wouldn't even phase her.

As for winning this war, it has nothing to do with Republicans or Democrats being right. Nothing at all! This country should be united on this issue, that is what makes me sick. What does right or wrong have to do with it? Our leaders thought it was right and that is it. We are there. God I am sick. WHY DID YOU SHOW THIS ARTICLE LORD KINGLY! That is it. You are no longer my hero.

Maximum Colossus said...

I told you it was a good one. Maybe she was suffering her monthly punishment from God when she wrote it. You know how testy they can get at that time.

BVM said...

I couldn't get past the first page.

Megan said...

Look, Army casualties are a trajedy if one doesn't support the war and an acceptable loss if one does. Any other argument is pointless. Iraq's casualties is peanuts compared to what happened in WWII (A universally recognized "good" war.) So casualties mean very little when someone is for or against a war. Next time you talk to someone about the Iraqi war and its terrible casualties, try asking that person to quantify an acceptable amount. I gaurantee you will get no number greater than 0 if they are against the war.