Thursday, July 06, 2006

Indians Sure Love Those 7-11s

One of the masterful forms of political trickery is how the Democrats have been able to paint the Republicans as a party of rich white men while they themselves are the party for minorities. But when you look at the history, nothing could be further from the truth.

Here are some brief points
1. Andrew Jackson, by some, is considered to be the 1st Democrat president. Not only was he a slaveholder, but he fought for the rights of slaveholders. And lets not forget the trail of tears.

2. Republican party was formed in 1854 was also known as the anti-slavery party, while much of the Democrats voter base was in the south, Republicans gained most of their votes in the North.

3. During the late 1800's and early 1900's, the Ku Klux Klan was a supporter of the Democratic party. (today, the Democrts still have a representative who was once a Klan member. Robert Byrd)

4. Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) dined with the nations black leader, which many people frowned upon, at the White House and was known to have said "the only wise and honorable and Christian thing to do is to treat each black man and each white man strictly on his merits as a man." To be fair, Roosevelt did feel that whites as a whole were superior, but considering the times...

Woodrow Wilson (Democrat) on the otherhand, seemed to make no apologies for his rascist beliefs. He gave a private screening of "Birth Of A Nation" at the White House and then went onto say "It's like writing history with lightning. And my only regret is that it is all terribly true."

5. Franklin Roosevelt appoints a Klansman to the supreme court.

6. During the '60s, 90% Republicans vote for civil rights to 60% Democrats.

7. Martin Luther King started off as a Republican

8. Today, eventhough more blacks represent the Democrat party, there are more black Republicans who are in positions of power than in the Democratic party.

But so what, right? It is just politics. Well I argue that Dems use race as a political weapon at a much higher rate than Republicans and I don't think hey have the right. They haven't earned it (if something like that can be earned). Just in the last year we have heard Democrats use race to evoke emotions in a number of different ways. Hillary's plantation speech, Nagin referring to New Orleans as a Chocolate City, Mckinney and Jefferson both playing the race card, Jessie Jackson Al Sharpton accusing Bush of hating black people and on and on and on... And lets not forget the overall feelings about Rice, and Thomas. Uncle Toms come to mind.

Now I know that Republicans have stepped in it quite a bit over the years when it comes to race, but there is no reason to believe that Democrats support minorities more. There is just no proof.

I will leave you with this. A little something from Senator Biden (Democrat)

1 comment:

BVM said...

Thanks for that video. Apoo would surely agree.