Friday, January 09, 2009

CNN Caught With A Fake Gaza Story


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not surprising, it happens everytime Israel strikes back. During the Lebanon fiasco the MSM bought the story of paramedics pulling kids out the rubble. Turns out it was just one man, changing his clothes for different photo shots, carrying one kid around for hours and hours to juice the story as much as possible.
Then there was this famous shot. Where a palestinian boy was killed by Israeli forces. Miraculously, the boy may still be alive today.
And let us not forget this story. An Israeli policeman saves the life of a Jewish American but the NYTimes caption reads 'An Israeli policeman and a Palestinian on the Temple Mount.'
MSM wants these stories to be true. They want to believe there is moral equivalence between Palestine and Israel
and the Islamofascists are masters at playing the media war.