Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Great Editorial From WSJ.

The last line is the most important. It is really interesting how Obama and the rest of the Dems are trying so hard to get the Republicans to sign off on this stimulus package when they will run it through regardless and without compromise. I'm glad the right isn't biting. Sadly, the public will only perceive them as being stubborn stick-in-the-muds being petty over losing the election. Hopefully, down the line, people will see this for what it really is. And hopefully it won't be too late to do something about it.


BVM said...

Glenn Beck had a couple good points on the $825B number last night:

- $825B could give every mortgage owner $17,000

- $825B could pay for 5 years worth of gas for every car owner.

I believe either of those two ideas would do more to help the economy than the crap proposed by BHO.

Unknown said...

The stupid stimulus is an $825B bribe. They are just following through on some promises they made during the election.
With money going to Acorn and to STD prevention, to me there is just no other way to see it.
The Democrats told unions and so forth that if they helped the Democrats win the election, not just presidential, then they would get X amount of money.
And we are the ones paying for it.
Congragulations guys, we all just bought the Democrats power.