Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Lots Of Talk Today.

As expected, the mailing lists at my work are blowing up about the inauguration of our new President. There is way too much to post here but I thought I would throw you a few of my favorites so far. First, from someone who will probably end up fired:

"There aren't that many people losing their homes, and of those that are 99% of them shouldn't have been in those homes to begin with. How it got to that point is a different topic.
Unemployment is single digits, unlike the recession in the 70's where it reached 14%. Interest rates are under 6%, unlike the recession in the 70's and early 80's where home mortgages hit 25% interest rates.

This President won't have to bring anyone together since he has a simple majority in both houses. And to hear that we need to put aside our differences and pull together to make America great once again makes me sick. The people calling for this "unity" are the same people who have been spewing vitriol for the last 8 years. Now all of a sudden they want unity? Get real.

I don’t have anything against Obama other than his ideology; Marxism is evil, pure and simple."

And the obvious rebuttal:

"Give a MARXIST the benefit of the doubt!!!? NEVER! He’s EVIL, pure EVIL I TELL YOU!


Notice how there is no challenge to the Marxist labelling? That's because it is not a label, it is a badge. And the line you will be hearing for the next eight years:

"I’m rooting for Obama but Bush left him a pretty big mess. It might take 8 years just to get back to normal. Also, it all depends on how influential he can be with the senate and house."

Great stuff. Happy Day After Obama Day!*

*Who am I kidding? From now on every day is Obama Day.

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