Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Porn Kings Asking Congress For A Bailout

They will never get it, but I do think it puts this whole bailout business into perspective.
Why shouldn't they get one, or at least try to get one? Everyone else seems to.
They are both private companies not run by the government and they both provide jobs. Why not nationalize them as well? Can congress now play the moral high ground?

1 comment:

Ryan in China said...

Those cry babies. What, did they only make half a billion dollars this year? Their beef should be with the internet and the never ending stream of porn that it provides for free. That's a way better option than buying a mag for $10 or a vid for $40. Not that I'm an expert or anything. I do like the "O-Face" pictures used by TMZ, also the line "Shot in the face."

you stay classy TMZ