Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Americans Will Soon Tire Of Obama Not Just Conservatives

I know that the majority of my respect for a politician depends on whether they have a (D) or an (R) in front of their name, but in reality, when all is said and done, politicians are politicians. They look like politicians, talk like politicians and piss us all off like politicians, but I would say many if not most work hard (I think) and have our best interests in mind (I hope)
But I'm telling you, this president doesn't even look like a politician anymore. He used to, but not anymore.
Now he looks like, I don't know, just some dude who is sitting in the most powerful chair in the world while everyone's backs are turned. Ya know, farting in the cushion, making nudie flip books and thinking to himself, "I wonder what it would be like to actually be the President. Oh the things I would accomplish. Hmmmm, one can only dream."


Maximum Colossus said...

I have no doubt in my mind the ultimate left agenda is to longer insert ourselves into world affairs at all and then attain some sort of world neutrality through this aggressive apathy.

At this time they will finally be able to axe most of the military and in their minds that will fix the deficit. The One is merely staying on plan.

Unknown said...

He is certainly missing the opportunity to condemn nuclear energy.

Maximum Colossus said...

He doesn't even have to condemn nuclear energy. The media is doing it for him.

Unknown said...
