Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Downtown Portland Video

I like downtown Portland. The buildings are exceptional and there are a lot of fun things to do there. So I am posting a video to show how beautiful this city is. As you can see, the skies are still gray, but spring is coming and the trees are starting to bloom. Hopefully this summer will be as awesome as last. You can also see by this video, people love to come togethter in downtown Portland. It is very communal. Oh by the way, my office is about 6 blocks from here. :)


BVM said...

What? Where's the baton beatings? The tear gas? You tease!?

Seems like these kids wanted trouble, showing up with eye protection and masks covering their faces.

I'm sure the local news coverage that night showed the rally organizer talking about how a few fringe people acted incorrectly thereby ruining the who anti war protest.

Unknown said...

Oh it was there. The guy with the faux Red Cross on his sleave was pouring water in the girls eyes to clean out the pepper spray. At least that is what I gathered. I am told the water is mixed with vinegar to soothe pepper spray. Or maybe they pour the vinegar in straight...I don't know. I had another video that was a lot more exciting, but I lost it. I'll try to look for it again.

Unknown said...

Ahh here it is

Unknown said...

Keep Portland Weird is favorite bumper sticker up here.