Saturday, March 03, 2007

Why Liberals Are Right To Hate The Ten Commandments

Before I continue, I have to make a disclaimer so that I don't get a phone call from Maximum Colossus calling me a Religious nut job. When you read this article, please realize that it has nothing to do with my belief or disbelief in God, the Ten Commandments, or anything of that nature. But that it has to do with my disgust with people who try to remove monuments such as the San Diego cross, Ten Commandments inside courthouses and...and...(geez I can't think of anything else, but you get the point) from various communities. I am puzzled by peoples obssession over this issue and I think Michael Medved's article is as an interesting of an argument as any.

First off, I was turned onto this article when Medved spoke of it on his radio show a couple of days ago. The article talks about how each one of the commandments contradicts a different pillar of trendy liberal thinking and that the ACLU's quest to remove them from public buildings, is much more involved than just keeping Church and State seperate.

Also, I think most of us saw this picture over at ZombieTime. It is the North Frieze on the Supreme Court building in Washington, DC. It features a bas-relief sculpture of Mohammed, among several other historical law-givers. He is in the center of this image holding a curved scimitar; on the left is Charlemagne, and on the right is Byzantine Emperor Justinian.

Hmmm...a sculpture of Mohammed as a law-giver. What sort of laws? Is Mohammed a religious icon? Is this seperation of Church and State? Does the ACLU even give a shit? And if they did, do we?

P.S. Jews, Christians and Muslims all study the Ten Commandments.

P.S.S.As far as I am concerned, if some courthouse wants to put up some sage Budhist teachings on their walls, then I say go for it.


BVM said...

I like Medved's article.

Unknown said...

I like Santa.

Maximum Colossus said...

Hmm.I agree that it drives me batshit crazy the efforts the left puts into trying to pull down these religious artifacts. It seems to me to be more mean spirited than anything else. But this article is kind of bullshit. the Bible is so vague and contradictory, you could probably turn it around and make the very same claim that the commandments stand as pillars against the right as well.