Monday, March 19, 2007

I Regards To The "Global Temperature"

This is pretty interesting. Best line:

"The Globe consists of a huge number of components which one cannot just add up and average. That would correspond to calculating the average phone number in the phone book."


Unknown said...

Funny. I have come to realize that people don't need averages to become expert weathermen. Portlanders seem to talk of the weather like they were 80 years old and had nothing better to talk about. Then again I am getting older. Maybe I should start talking about the weather, couldn't hurt. Nonetheless, if I hear one more person say "this winter was much milder than last winter" I am going nothing I guess. Maybe I will just gnash my gums and say "I reckon."

Maximum Colossus said...

Do you, though, Blogust? Do you reckon?

BVM said...

The average phone number is:
