Thursday, April 06, 2006

EPA, Just Say No

More from the automotive world.

Here's another good thread from the HAMB. Seems the EPA is thinking about making it illegal to paint as a hobby. The reality of what's going on is that bigger body shops are funding EPA regluations that would make the cost of paint skyrocket, among many other things. I'm sure it will all be spun as "Good for the Environment", but the truth of the matter is that yet again a bureaucracy is getting used as a point of control to drive out competition.

Here's the HAMB thread.

Here's my response.

And this response just cracked me up.

Now my response also links to articles about Clark Foam, another EPA masterpiece. This one is totally ironic too in that surfers tend to be environmentally active. In this case the environmentalists just shot themselves in the foot because they were too blind to see what REAL affects their actions were having.


Maximum Colossus said...

I, myself would rate auto enthusiasts just barely a notch above us retched smokers. And since, like most of America, I don't paint cars (and the smell can be obnoxious), I don't care if they persecute you like this. As long as I can still own model glue. No one can take away my model glue!

Unknown said...

I am glad EPA closed down Clark foam. Everyone knows that surfers get all the chicks...Now it is a level playing field. (Oddly enough, this type of argument is not uncommon. Just not as blatant)