Sunday, April 23, 2006

My Theory of Relativity

Something obvious, but nice to chew on again and again. A week back I commentted that the average French citizen has less creature comforts than the average American welfare recipient. Which basicaly is a fancy way of saying that the poor in this country are considered middle-class in MOST other countries. We've already known this an we know that nobody dies of starvation in this country unless they suffer from anorexia. So why then are the poor so pissed off at the rich in this country? It's not because the poor having nothing, but rather because the rich have so much more. What is even more frustrating, most people realize they are in their respective positions due to choice. In short, jealousy. I'll give an example. A friend of mine, who currently lives in NYC, told me he felt richer in the 900 sq ft. condo he currently owns than in the 2000 sq ft. house he owned years ago in a different city and a different state. Why? Because to own anything in NYC is a big deal. Nobody does. But in the other state, houses are a dime a dozen. Basically, it is relative and we all truly try to keep up with the Joneses.


BVM said...

I think its great that you say people's state in life is due to choice. I don't think many people realize how true that statement is. I was talkng to your brother today and we both agree that people would rather complain than take responsibility for their position in life.

Unknown said...

regarding do-it-yourseld attitude Michael Medved put it:A neohippie computer geek may make himself a billionaire despite a nasty drug dependency, but his progress would prove difficult to replicate. On the other hand, the middle-class virtues...hard-work, saving money, loyalty to family and friends, may not produce reliable rewards for every individual, but they will work in the overwhelming majority of cases.

Maximum Colossus said...

What about Paris Hilton? Can I be pissed off at her? What the hell has she done to earn her millions, her sense of entitlement, and her complete lack of self awareness?

Screw that. Maybe I'll just sue my parents for not being rich enough, leading to my low self-esteem, alchoholism and frequent bouts with anxiety and depression. All of which lead to a crippling inability to earn my due rewards. Fucking catch 22.