Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Gruesome Photos Rarely On Frontpage, Unless...

Black Five is showing LA Times front page photo on his web site. Click here to see what he has to say about it. Also Click Here to see the photos you hardly ever, if ever at all, find on the front page of the LA Times.

Gateway Pundit has a good take regarding this photograph and the Muslim comics.


BVM said...


LA only has to endure this slant for one day. The SF Chronicle, [sarcasm] my favorite news paper [/sarcasm], just finished a 5 DAY "special report". Every day last week the Chron had its headline as:


And what did it show on the cover for 5 days straight? A mamed or injured GI returning home from Iraq.

The "war without end" is in reference to these brave men who have to spend the rest of their lives injured due to the war.

The Chron could give a rats ass about these men. They only used them to prop up thier own "Crap reporting without end"


BVM said...

See, in LA they only have to endure this slant for 3 days:


Just look at everything on that page. Eveything is slanted against the war. Of course they can just say "We're just stating the facts", but its about what facts they do and don't show, and how they are shown, that tell their position on the war.

There's a "moderated" forum that you can go to if you want to make a statement about the pictures. It's the "moderated" part that worries me.

Unknown said...

They report on the injuries because the American deaths are too low, so they have to show some bad news. Why not injuries?

here is a link http://www.usnews.com/usnews/news/articles/050228/28rozelle.peo.htm

I think this story would sell more papers, but then again, are they really trying to sell papers?

Unknown said...
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