Thursday, February 08, 2007

"Global Climate Change" In. "Global Warming" Out

With all the different reports going on about packed ice in Sweden, cold snap in the Mid-West, lack of hurricanes in the Gulf etc. etc., the global warming alarmists had to change their tactic in order to stay on the offesnsive. Otherwise how else are they going to convince the huddled masses that the earth is fucked and that America, Corporations and Bush are to blame?
So "they" have decided to give "global warming" a different name and I think we should all play along. From now on lets use the new en vogue term GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE rather than Global Warming. OK?

Just a suggestion.


BVM said...

"Global Climate Change"

Isn't that one of the most redundant things ever stated. Doesn't the climate constantly change all over the world every day of the year????

Maximum Colossus said...

Can we call it, Garotzuva, "Demon Under the Veil"? He has three heads and they each breathe a different deadly substance. Cold, Fire and Poison Gas. Also, he can fly. And he has 999 hit points.

Unknown said...

Tiamat maybe? Five heads and five deadly substances.

Maximum Colossus said...

Dude, Tiamat's already the dragon that Lords over the first level of hell! He can't be global warming as well, duh. You know that! Why don't we just call it Captain Kirk then, retard?