Friday, February 16, 2007

Some Light Weekend Reading.

Courtesy of Something Awful.


Arvin Leroux said...

My favorite parts are when Obama's mother's cancer is blamed on her atheism and the nonsensical photo of Obama and two women, probably campaign workers judging from the Obama pin, with a caption inferring infidelity. I also like the tag line of the website itself, "The internet makes you stupid." It's real sweet that the mission statement of Obama Watch says "Our mission at Obamawatch is to bring the world the pure and unvarnished truth about B. Hussein Obama. No spin or distortion, just the naked facts..." For my part, I feel more stupider reading horse shit presented as pure and unvarnished facts. I don't know anything about this politician but you can be sure I don't believe a word in this article presented by hack internet journalists who obviously have an adgenda and stupid nicknames that they feel need to be included in thier credits. Horse shit.

BVM said...

Dude, I think the whole point of the Obama Watch web site is sarcasm. Don't get too put off. I'm pretty sure its actually a pro-Obama site done as an anti-Obama site to mock those arguments against him.

I have no love for the guy, but the site is obviously beyond reason.


Arvin Leroux said...

You right. I checked out a couple other articles and they too are over the top. Now I have only to laugh at my self.

Thank you for showing me humility.

p.s. I got the bike Baron. It's getting some work done though, I'd like to have you over and show you when I get it back...

Unknown said...

The problem with the left is that they are so consumed with race they are going to turn their own candidate into a pariah.

This is how I feel about the Dem party. Instead of choosing a candidate that supports their principles, they will more likely choose a candidate they think will beat a Republican. Therefore, once Obama is seen as a "Black Man" or "Not Black Enough" or "As a son of an African Immigrant and not a Real African American" the left will ditch the whole idea of supporting him. Too much focus on his race and not on his beliefs. The country will experience Obama burnout. Like a song played on the radio too much.

I know, I know, one could say the same about Republicans, but to me they are different and the record speaks for itself.

Ken Blackwell
Lynn Swann
Michael Steele
Clarence Thomas
Condi Rice
Colin Powell to name a few.
I think all these people were supported or elected because of their principles and not their race. Can the same be said about the current dem leadership?

Maximum Colossus said...

Lynn Swan? You're kidding, right? Um, I'm sure his principles are all in check, but he was a frickin' Steeler, which may have garnered him a bit more support.

Unknown said...

But his candidacy failed so miserably I have to wonder, "was it only republicans who voted for him?"

Unknown said...

Actually, let me rephrase that. "was it only Steeler fans who voted for him?"