Monday, November 17, 2008

Just A Heads Up

Heard two reviews about the new Bond movie and both of em says it sucks.
One says the movie is filmed using Michael J. Fox cam (like they did in the Bourne movies)
And the other says it is big time lefty movie.
Too bad, but I am going heed the warning and save my money for this instead.
Check out the preview for this so called "Swedish Gem"
Gross and Creepy!


BVM said...

That horror film is a remake?

Saw Quantum of Solace on Friday. Meh, just ok.

There was a lot of enviro jibberish throughout the film, but there were a few positives.

- The bad guy is an evil environmentalist who spews enviro-jargon to get monetary donations from rich people. Behind the scenes he's really a bad guy and uses the money for nefarious purposes. In our world he's known as Al Gore.

- There is a hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered, built-out-of-recycled-materials hotel in the movie. The hydrogen explodes all over the place and the recycled materials burn pretty well.

- There's an electic car in the movie, and it lives up to Simpson's standards be being totally gay.

As I watched it, I was thinking to myself that someone really doesn't like environmentalists.

Unknown said...

Not a remake, but there is going to be one in 2010. This one is the original, but it is select theaters and kinda hard to find.