Sunday, November 09, 2008

The more things change the more they stay the same

I usually am an innocent bystander on this web site, but do to recent events, maybe I will take a more active role. When I say recent events, I don't mean the election, but rather the love fest for George Bush and the Republicans on this site. I am a die in the wool no-government, free-market capitalist. Does that make me Republican? Based on how they behaved in the past 10 years, probably not. Yes, George Bush actually did something when it came to Iraq and Afghanistan. But are Republicans judged based on how they do in foreign affairs? Hopefully not. Hopefully they are judged based on the one core value EVERY Republicans claim to promote which is smaller government. If that is the sole criteria, then the Republicans scored a big F-. Read this nice article from Reason and tell me it does not ring true to you now that the election is over.

1 comment:

Maximum Colossus said...

Well, the Republicans have been leaning on foreign affairs since Reagan. The first Bush did it too. Domestically, you're right, everybody kind of sucks. At least with the Republicans, though, you know we won't go down without a fight when the Aliens land. Obama will roll over for E.T. and then we're totally fucked. Wait, what were we talking about?