Thursday, November 06, 2008

Yes On Prop. 8

John Cloud gives his take on why prop. 8 was passed in Calleeforneeya. (ala Arnold)

on the one hand he says
"hopes that in an Obama America, straight people would be willing to let gay people have the basic right to equality in their personal relationships. It appears not."

and on the other hand he says
"Part of the reason is that Obama inspired unprecedented numbers of African Americans to vote. Polls show that black voters are more likely to attend church than whites and less likely to be comfortable with equality for gay people."

Hmmmm... Very interesting, but I think he is wrong and a dummy. Prop. 8 passed 52.2% to 47.8% during this election, but only eight years ago, prop. 22 passed with a much higher percentage. 61% of the state voted to ban same sex marriage then, which means a higher percentage of voters voted for Gay marriage rights this time around than ever before. (I think ever before. How many times has this issue been on the ballot?) How does Mr. Cloud explain that? He doesn't.

The worst part about this article is that while he seems to toy with idea that blacks are to blame at first, the last three lines he solidifies it.

"The entire New York legislature is now in Democratic hands, and New York's governor, David Paterson, is one of the nation's most eloquent pro-marriage-equality representatives. He is also, by the way, African American. Perhaps he can help bridge the gap between gays and blacks that widened on Nov. 4."

Therefore, you people who voted yes on 8, don't worry about feeling guilty. It was the black christians fault.

1 comment:

Maximum Colossus said...

Only 8 years ago? A lot has changed in 8 years. I believe there is a lot of truth in the idea that black voters swayed the the passing of that proposition. And let's not forget hispanic voters. Same thing.

The Dems got their President by welcoming all of the "disenfrachised" to their heaving bussom, but still don't understand that when it comes to the issues, being "disenfrachised" does not mean you see eye to eye.