Wednesday, November 05, 2008

What Will Happen When This Atlas Shrugs?

( Isn't this picture the cheesiest?)
To start off with, I just want to say that I too was caught up in the significance of last nights election. Though I was unable to watch Obama speak for very long, I knew that something good did come out of all of it. Mainly, a black man is President.
And for some reason, not only did Obama's election to the presidency remove forever a bigtime monkey off our nation's back, but oddly enough, it has now removed one from Bush and his supporter's as well. I don't know exactly why, but I just get that feeling. Bush is history's president and I no longer feel as if I have to be quiet when I say I support the guy. Weird!
When I was writing an e-mail yesterday, I said Obama was Apate, the greek goddess of deception. But after his win, my roommate came up with a much better name for him, Atlas. People from all over the world have lifted him up higher than I think is healthy and the weight of the world is going to be placed on his shoulders.
Symbolically speaking of course.
Which leads me to this, I hope he realizes he is not the world's president and he doesn't try to jet set all over the planet acting like one. But alas, that is exactly how I envision his presidency will be. These four years are going to be interesting, to say the least.


BVM said...

The honeymoon will be short.

He won't bring actual change (I mean he won't fix the source of th problem), but he'll provide draconian band aids. That's what Dems do. The band aids will come in the form of wealth redistribution and taxation penalties. Nothing will be solved, but some people will be paid off with very little money.

The hope that every one of his followers has put on him is way too lofty, as you state. Case in point, he's already stated (I mean he said this the day of his election!!!) that this will probably take longer than you all expect.

Its been shown by the Bush presidency that the people want too much too quickly. This attitude will be the public amunition that explodes in Barak's face.

Government is what it is, and not even The One can change that.

CJ said...

The problem is the public won't bust him up. He's an idol and he's done nothing yet. Anything that doesn't work, of which I'm expecting there to be many starting with taxation plans has a built in excuse. They are just cleaning up Bush's mess.

The media will sell it and the public will buy it because the public is far more stupid than I ever expected. And the government knows what's best for us stupid people.

This was the least presidential feeling election and more so the most elaborate marketing campaign I've ever seen. Ad companies should follow this mold to promote new products. Congratulations, we just bought a brand new president.

Unknown said...

Agreed, he was a packaged president.
I'm going to get self righteous and say, though he wasn't my pick, he is my president (elect) and I will give him a chance.
Isn't that big of me?