Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Hotel Holy Book

Rocky Racoon
Checked into his room.
Only to find Garotzuva's Bible

How many examples have we shown Gorebal Warming being a Religion?


BVM said...

I'm absolutely positive that if you go look up who's on the Green Building Council, you'll find a bunch of vendors, or people who get paid by certain vendors.

If you use the vendors' equipment, you are "green".

Low-flow toilets are a perfect example of liberal nut-jobbieness. All heart and no brain. You end up flushing like 2 to 3 times instead of one, so you use more water on average.

"Green" is now a hip, mainstream word. This only means its death is near. Its all the rage until the next thing comes along. So many things are "green" now days, that it has totally lost its meaning.

Case in point: Last night I saw a commercial for a GMC 350. Its a dually. Somewhere in the commercial they brought up the fact that this dually is proof of GMC's green commitment. Why? Because it runs on animal-diesel? (And it is ANIMAL diesel, not this so called BIO diesel word play. They only call it BIO to hide the fact that most bio diesel comes from tallow: ANIMAL fat)

And what's with Arnold and this "All goverment buildings must meet LEED requirements" crap. As if there are not enough hurdles to anything involving the government already. Talk about a swindle. This totally limits the number of vendors that can be contracted now, thereby raising the costs of construction, which probably negate any long term energy savings.

All crap.

Unknown said...

Arnold can suck it. I have lost all my love for that guy.