Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Shark Gives Virgin Birth

Check it out, here. This excerpt may piss off the Fundies:

"The discovery that sharks can reproduce asexually by parthenogenesis now changes this paradigm, leaving mammals as the only major vertebrate (backboned creatures) group where this form of reproduction has not been seen."

Scientists are so biased!

Update: I understand there error in my statement. No mammal has ever given birth through that particular form of reproduction. Mary was totally knocked up by God.


CJ said...

How could you forget the immaculate reception. Man, did the school system fail you miserably.

Unknown said...

An a amazing discovery about a Shark having a virgin birth in captivity, and yet the article seems to be more interested pushing a "save the sharks" cause rather than science. When will they ever quit?
Actually, when will I ever quit? Maybe their intentions are grand and I am just an old grump.
I take it all back. I am turning over a new leaf and I am stopping all my skepticism.
Starting with this article.
"Yay for the a-sexual shark mama who combats mans exploits by screwing herself."

Maximum Colossus said...

You're totally right, actually. The scientists make a big deal out of the fact that only a creature whose population was in danger would reproduce in this way, while seeming to completely forget that these sharks were in captivity and had no effect whatsoever on the ocean's ecosystem.