Monday, February 27, 2006

I hope Professor Bolkhari is not tenured

Unfortunately the credibility of the professor is shot early in his lecture when he falsly claims Walt Disney created Tom and Jerry. The cat and mouse combo were created by Hanna-Barbera in 1940 but that's not the point of his misinformed rant. This guy claims Jerry, a disparaging term used to describe Nazi soldiers, was created as a symbol of Jews to "erase the image of mice from the minds of European children, and to show that the mouse is not dirty." Because apparently Jews were thought of as "dirty mice" throughout Europe. Accepting this interpretation, I find it difficult to believe that such a symbol would take on the nickname given to the very people responsible for Jewish persecution during the years of the cartoon's creation. Second, what or who does Tom the cat symbolize? Perhaps Tom and his unending sadistic attempts at eating or killing Jerry symbolizes anti-Semitism perpetrated by folks like this professor. Or perhaps Tom symbolizes the anti-Semites themselves. Either way, I am happy knowing that Tom, as the antagonist, provokes the ass kicking he predictably gets in every episode (except for a few Christmas shows which doesn't really fit the suggested symbolism either).

1 comment:

BVM said...

Sound like this guy comes from the same school of logic as the anti-gay protestors at military funerals...