Wednesday, December 03, 2008

A Liberal Making Sense

Very good read

"After all, if 10 young Indians from a splinter wing of the Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party traveled by boat to Pakistan, shot up two hotels in Karachi and the central train station, killed at least 173 people, and then, for good measure, murdered the imam and his wife at a Saudi-financed mosque while they were cradling their 2-year-old son — purely because they were Sunni Muslims — where would we be today? The entire Muslim world would be aflame and in the streets."

"Sure, better intelligence is important. And, yes, better SWAT teams are critical to defeating the perpetrators quickly before they can do much damage. But at the end of the day, terrorists often are just acting on what they sense the majority really wants but doesn’t dare do or say. That is why the most powerful deterrent to their behavior is when the community (the muslim community) as a whole says: “No more. What you have done in murdering defenseless men, women and children has brought shame on us and on you.”"

When liberals start talking like this it makes me wonder if the Obama win has anything to do with it. Obama is president elect now and islamo crazies are still killing people, but not just in Israel or western countries.
This time in India. (actually they have been attacking India for quite sometime, but nothing spectacular enough to make the front page.)
So what's the deal?
Are they finally realizing the threat of islamofascism, or are they so invested in a successful Obama presidency that they are now willing to stand and be heard?

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