Sunday, March 26, 2006

Napoleon Escaped Exile Also

In June 2004 a Frenchman tossed a bag over a fence at the White House prompting a potential bomb threat. As it turned out, the bag was full of garbage and the man, Cyrille Mourotte, was deported out of the U.S. Last week, the same man was arrested for the same act, tossing a bag of garbage over a White House fence. I have two questions, what statement is he trying to make by throwing garbage onto the White House lawn? Second, and more important, how did he get back into the country after being deported two years ago?

In some sense, this story can be very amusing. "Har har, you stupeed, you take my garbage! Aaw haw!" He tossed the bag with an empty bottle and cheese rinds over the high fence. With a sneer and a twirl of his moustache, the man in the striped shirt tip-toed into the shadows.

With T.S.A., Homeland Security, the Patriot Act and all the other "safeguards" supposedly protecting America and our borders, how could this happen? How did this guy get kicked out of the country and then let back in? Who else has been let in to the country that shouldn't have been? He must have shown identification at customs, did he use his real passport or a fake one? If he used a counterfeit, that is something we need to address. If he used his own name on an official document, why wasn't he on some list of people who should not be let in the country.

Maybe deportation doesn't and shouldn't equal banishment. I hope that Cyrille Mourotte's second chance is not granted others who may have more serious and dangerous statements to make.


BVM said...

I don't know how he got back in the US. But I'll make a safe bet he got back on this Continent via Canada.

Unknown said...

Maybe he mailed himself. "Frog in a Box." That was my Carlos Mencia impression.

Maximum Colossus said...

Chew on this one. It's delicious.

Anonymous said...

Hmm... nope, not delicious. It tasted exactly the same as the other. It tasted like government ineptitude. Sick, blech!!