Friday, March 31, 2006

Sin Francisco.

Well the "celebrate diversity" crowd was at it again this past weekend in San Francisco. A Christian organization, who stands for reaching out to youth and showing them there are solutions to life other than the "do it if it feels good" message that is preached by so many cultural figure heads and media pipes, was in San Francisco. OH MY? CHRISTIANS? IN SAN FRANCISCO? HEAVEN FORBID!! GET OUT THERE AND PROTEST!!

If you've ever wanted to read a biased report, here it is, from my favorite rag The SF Chronicle:

Stop those Nazis

Only in such a "progressive" city would those that stand for Love be hated so.

And why is the city council getting involved? This place is rampant with human feces and homeless, yet they spend so much time issuing useless symbolic statements and laws like: "Christians out!", "Military out!", "Guns out!". All 3 of which have been official SF Government stances this past year.

I hope some of you out there got to see South Park on Wednesday. Here's a clip.

And here's the web site of the Christian organization: Battle Cry



Anonymous said...

For about half that article I was thinking, "Hey this is the closest thing to responsible journalism I've ever seen in the Chronicle." Then a giant shitball exploded all over my monitor. I love how when Teen Mania's people are interviewed they speak respectfully of the city, but when the protestors are interviewed they spew the most hateful vitriol going. I wonder if the Board of Supervisors sees the irony of touting their city's "tolerance " here. Both sides are crazy, but only one side appears to be batshit crazy in this instance. And that South Park clip was gold.

Unknown said...

You get the feeling that the author was wishing to write most of that article in burnt umber.

BVM said...

What article? The newspaper article or my post?

Unknown said...

The newspaper one

Unknown said...

This is the whole south park episode
part one
part two
part three